
Macroeconomics (AGEC 217), Purdue University, Summer 2021. Review Score: 4/5

AGEC 217 course was primarily designed for undergraduate students interested in economics enrolled in other programs. Its main objective was that students learn how to do economics, i.e., to analyze economic events by applying economic tools. The learning objective was that after taking the class students should be able to analyze personal and global economic issues, by applying (1) knowledge of economic measurement, (2) economic models, and (3) the history of U.S. economic policy. The course was designed as an asynchronous online/distance course, meaning students could attend to course materials at their own pace. All video and text materials were provided through BrightSpace platform.

Teaching Assistanships

AGEC 217 Macroeconomics, Fall/Spring 2020-21, Purdue University

MS-MBA Quantitative Methods, Fall 2018 & 2019, Purdue University. Review Score: 4.9/5